Popular: A memoir- Vintage Wisdom for a Modern Geek
by Maya Van WagenenI can't believe it is just about the middle of August! This summer has been quite busy for me as I teach in a literacy program during the month of July. I'm always on the look out for "just right books" for my students, and I found some interesting reading for myself as I navigated through the local library's website. I actually stumbled upon the book Popular by Maya Van Wagenen as I read one of the librarian's blogs.
First of all, I think it is helpful to remember the old saying, "Don't judge a book by its cover". The cover has a paper doll theme and leads one to believe it is intended for a younger audience. Well, I guess that is not too far fetched as the author is a girl in her early teens. As I read further into the blog, which was from the library's "Readers Corner", I became intrigued with the concept of how the book came to be written.
In 1951 a book had been published by a young woman by the name of Betty Cornell, entitled Betty Cornell's Teenage Popularity Guide. It was an book that offered advice to teenage girls on ways to become well liked. Maya's father had come across the book at a thrift store and looked through the old torn pages reading the "outdated ideas." Considering it a piece of "vintage pop culture", Maya's father purchased the book. As the author describes, the book sat in her dad's office for years until being found by Maya's mom, who then gave the book to Maya. Discovering this book, and being encouraged by her mom, led to a wonderful adventure/experiment for Maya. Maya followed the advice in Betty's book for one year, her eighth grade year of middle school. She wrote about her journey, including her feelings and other's reactions, and soon discovers the true meaning of being "popular".
What I like best about this book is that it really makes me think about my own teenage years, as well as my students experiences. Being a kid can be hard and, sadly, outward appearance many times makes or breaks how people are viewed. I love the message of this memoir, the relationships Maya has with her family, friends/peers, and the connection she makes with Betty Cornell.
I would highly recommend this book to adults as well as pre-teens/teens. It is thought provoking and forces the reader to consider what truly is important in a person. Below is a link that will bring you to the Today Show's Book page featuring Popular from earlier this year, including an interview with the author.
If you decide to read Popular by Maya Van Wagenen, I'd love to hear from you!
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